677353790 - 692243334
Carrefour EMIA, Yaounde


We can provide all necessary services for becoming a safe skilled driver.

Our approach to driver training has always been to make sure that the experience for learning and teaching is relaxed, enjoyable and professional with the end aim to have you passed the test aswell as being confident on the roads.

We understand the challenges posed when you embark on the journey to learn how to drive and face countless obstacles. Most driving beginners feel pressured, intimidated, and anxious when learning to drive. This is what we aim to change. With our highly qualified and skilled instructors, you are guaranteed to learn in a safe, comfortable, and stress-free environment so you can become a driving expert in a short period.


Normal training

The Normal driving lesson focuses on following the normal training program (Practical and Theory)...

Accelerated Training

The Accelerate driving school lesson is for those who want to have the training done in a shorter period of time...

Prestige Training

Our Prestige training is related to what we call the VIP package. The student, has the right to decide ...


This is for those, or someone who has already had a drivers license but wants to repractice driving...

Defensive driving

This training is mainly to teach you core road safety measures you should use on the road that will keep you safer...

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